
What is a Brand Builder?

We hear the phrase often, but what, exactly, is the definition of a ‘Brand Builder’?

The term “entrepreneur” should be reserved for brand builders. These folks endeavor to add value to a new branded product or service through marketing, sales and distribution. They work toward developing a positive reputation and brand image that results in a loyal clientele. They have the potential to monetize that brand equity -Michael Houlihan, Consumer Brand Builders


The 6 Traits of a Brand Builder

1. Vision: They can see their industry in a different light
Brand Builders see their industry in a different way. They’re not stuck in the tried and true approach their competitors have taken. They can see the opportunities and can see where their industry can be changed.

2. Ideas: They relentlessly search for new ideas
Brand Builders both originate and find ideas. They have an innate ability to connect disparate concepts and information to generate new ideas. They are constantly taking in advice, stories, ideas, knowledge, and expertise — and they distill all that information to create new ideas to apply to their business and brand.

3. Execution: They make ideas happen
Brand Builders make things happen. They are action-oriented, and they revel in bringing ideas into reality. They’re not dreamers. They are doers. And they not only drive themselves to act, but they also drive everyone around them to execute.

4. Impatient: They make things happen quickly
There is a fire that burns within Brand Builders. They are constantly restless and considering the next horizon. Where their company sits today is not an acceptable badge of honor, because there’s always a new horizon or a new opportunity to chase. This restlessness is what causes Brand Builders to really disrupt and change their industries.

5. Ambitious: They are driven to succeed
Brand Builders want their brand to change their industry, make an impact, and become instantly recognizable. They have a personal ambition to work harder than anyone else, take bigger risks, and push for what they know is possible. Their ambition drives them and their team to grow their company into a Sticky Brand.

6. Team Builders: They know how to make an impact
Brand Builders are not only talented, but they are also talent creators. They surround themselves with other smart, ambitious, impatient people who bring in skills and expertise they don’t have. Brand Builders develop teams that embody the brand and hire people who are equally committed to taking it even further.


Sources: Consumer Brand Builders, All Business