how to capture high value email leads Blogging

How To Capture High Value eMail Leads

Here’s how to effectively capture targeted leads, take the grind out of sending daily emails and let automation work it’s magic for you! ⚡️

Say good-bye to weekly newsletters; no heavy lifting in moving email Segments and Groups over to specific email lists, etc. This process will capture emails, segment subscribers and keep your customers connected while you do other important tasks for your business..like making money!

A simple automation flow like this one will take an hour or less to set up and the ROI is priceless in the long term!

Here are the Steps to Capture Leads


Find out which blog post, class, webinar, content, free download, landing page, video, etc. garner the most traffic. You can usually figure this out by the comments, shares or through the dashboard on your Google Analytics.

Once you decide which piece of content is your highest ranking, you’ll want to add an *opt-in on this page to gather emails. This method is way better than a generic “sign up for my newsletter” message.

*Opt-in is an inbound marketing approach whereby a marketer solicits a potential customer’s permission to send them promotional and other types of content about a brand. It is also known as permission marketing and can be single opt-in or double opt-in.

STEP 2. Capture the Emails

Once you’ve established the golden ticket content that gets visitors to give you their email in exchange for that valuable info, it’s time to give them the opportunity to make the exchange by plugging in a great pop-up lead capture form. Try Constant Contact, MailChimp or Welcome Mat from Sumo (which is super easy to use and install on your website in less than 3 minutes. Also integrates with MailChimp).

PRO TIP: Don’t bother your guests with a pop-up that may interfere with the article they’re reading. Make sure you ask for the subscribe more towards the end of the content to avoid the interruption or use a pop-up when your guest signals ‘exit-intent.’

STEP 3. Focus in on your Warm Leads (aka High-Value) Visitors

Who are high-value visitors? People who are ready to pay you for your expertise! Maybe they added an item to their shopping cart but then ditched the cart. People checking out your classes or pages that are focused on what you offer are also your high-value leads.

Group these high value or warm leads into ‘Segments’ that you’ll create in your email lists such as Sumo or MailChimp. You don’t want to spam or harass them, but grouping these segments allows you to tailor your marketing to reach them later, also known as re-marketing.

How to Build a High-Value Lead Segment

Give people samples, free trials, free downloads to demo or try out. Keep in touch, continue to send more value to their inbox. If you need help with creating a welcome sequence, I have written an article about it here.

If your product is valuable, a good portion of your leads will come back to purchase. 

Tips to Building a High Value Email List Segment:

  • Offer a 10-15% off coupon before your visitor leaves in exchange for their email address
  • Create a compelling sign-up page and CTA (Call to Action) for your free premium content
  • Repeat Steps 1 and 2 on your second highest ranked content

‘To Do’ List Summary:

  • Find your most valuable piece(s) of content
  • Use this content to grow your email list
  • Create the high-value segment and collected their emails

STEP 4. Creating Email Sequences

The next valuable step is creating a great welcome email sequence! This is an email that will be sent automatically and immediately after they hit the subscribe button.

I use MailChimp for my email marketing, which is very easy to use, affordable and includes tons of integrations.

PRO TIP: Almost every paid email service provider offers automation options (i.e Constant Contact). Based on what we did  in steps 2 and 3, we have two segments that correspond to two lists:

  1. General visitors who subscribe through your main pop-up get added to a ‘Main Email List.’
  2. Your high-value segment Subscribers who drop off close to purchase get added to a ‘drop-off’ or ‘retarget’ list.

Once you have that list established, you’ll set up a trigger email sequence when a new subscriber gets added to your “Main list” and set your first email in the sequence to go out immediately after the trigger to deliver the promised content/download/freebie, etc.

Here’s how to set it up on MailChimp:

Go to:
MailChimp Account > top navigation bar > Automation > select “Create Automation Workflow” (this is what email sequences are called in MailChimp)

Next, select the list for which you want to create an automation workflow (main or drop off).

Choose the type of workflow you want to create. To start fresh with a new automation, use ‘Custom’ 

Name your workflow, set up the email name and “from”. (Check the boxes to track the emails so you know who opens and if it’s working or not)

Configure the Trigger: (the signal MailChimp needs to include the subscriber into your automated workflow). Choose: “Subscriber joins list” from the drop-down menu, and Next.

Now add your first email! The default delay is 1 day, make sure you change that to Immediately if you want the email response with download or freebie to send as soon as subscriber joins.

It’s time to design your emails! (The fun part for you creatives). Hit the “Design email,” button and write a grabby subject about the awesome content they’re getting. Include all pertinent info in the email such as a quick thank you and a link to download the freebie. (You can add that PDF or downloadable content in MailChimp).

Last step: Configure scheduling! Set scheduling to ‘Every Day’ unless you have other ideas for when you want to send this automation.

Now that you’ve delivered valuable content in exchange for their trust (and email), it’s time to nurture those contacts and leads with a continuation of high value content with an email sequence

To create an email sequence, head over to my article here to read the best practices as well as some free email templates to download!