
How to Manifest Anything You Want (Dream Job)

Should you quit your day job to pursue your dream job? You read all these articles about how to manifest money, your dream job or dream life, but it seems a lot more complex than just thinking it into existence, right? That’s because it is (well, kind of).

There is action involved, too (moving in the direction of that dream, taking massive action, creating space for it, raising your vibration to match what you’re asking for, etc.)

Prefer to listen? 👇

But, if you want to hear how you can manifest your dream job successfully,  from someone else who’s done it twice, read on.

You aren’t alone in what you want. And you aren’t crazy. Manifesting what you want is real.

Can I Actually Manifest My Dream Job?

This is a question more and more people are asking themselves. And a lot of people are doing it successfully. We are in an age where a person can monetize their interests, passions, skills–their dream job!

I’m going to preface this whole blog article with this: I believe in serendipity, The Law of Attraction, manifesting, quantum energy, God, Universal Intelligence. Whatever it is you prefer to call it, it’s very real and an important ingredient of a happy, successful life. I also believe we can create whatever we want. We are creating our reality right now, every day. There are very few limitations to what we can manifest. (So be careful what you think about, and what you ask for)

According to Wallace Wattles, our minds are made up of “thinking stuff” that forms things from the formless. In other words, if you want something and truly believe it can be yours, then Universal Law states it must come in to being. Our thoughts become our actions that become things. 

How to Manifest a New Career

I’ve changed the course of my life and my career a couple of times. It’s daunting and confusing, but it’s certainly not impossible. I did this using the aforementioned “Law” and a lot of hustle. If you are already doing bits of the new career you want to transition into, it shouldn’t be as difficult. But if you have an idea and you’re starting from scratch, it may take a little longer to launch and adjust.

For me, what started off as my side hustle took center stage and became my new career. I transitioned from a full-time fashion designer to branding and marketing professional because it was what I had already been doing anyway. For several years, in tandem with design, I was doing PR, digital marketing and brand building. Sometimes shifting careers can be as easy as extracting one aspect of your current career that you’re most passionate about and just doing that one thing. Niche is good, especially in a very noisy world.

Choosing to do something else with your time is essential if you’re feeling a tug in that direction. Just know that it will take courage to start the wheels turning, and faith and patience to keep them going. The first thing to do is: just start.

What Do You Want The Most?

I think what a lot of us want is freedom. It’s what I aimed for most of my life. Up until the last decade, none of us had as much opportunity as we do right now. We are living in a very interesting and incredible time where technology, creativity, and global connectivity allows us to do things we never thought possible. We are learning spiritual practices at levels we hadn’t heard before, too.

Whatever it is you love to do when you’re not working, find a way to turn that into your business and go for it.

Whether you want to blog full time, or go freelance or be a consultant, make stuff, etc., I am going to say first and foremost: There is plenty of room for you to accomplish this. The first rule is to define what it is you want and change your mindset. Erase any limiting beliefs that separate you from anyone else out there who is making awesome shit happen. The only difference between them and you is mindset. They believe they can, and so they do. “I think, therefore, I am.”

See yourself as a superhero of whatever it is you do or plan to do. Wake up every morning or go to sleep every night with your mantra of, “I AM A MASTER AT ______.” Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches us about “becoming supernatural” in his book, Becoming Supernatural. He explains in great scientific detail how our thoughts create our reality and how we must reprogram our thoughts to change our lives.

Whatever you state, you become. This works for better or for worse. So stop saying you’re fat, ugly, broke, etc! Stop the negative self-talk TODAY. (If you want to read more on this subject, check out my previous article, What The Secret isn’t Telling You)

How I Manifested My Career

I’ll tell you a little back story about my experience.

Quitting my hamster in the wheel scenario, being financially independent and working from home (or Hawaii, or wherever I found myself at the time) was my ultimate goal two years ago. And I was on a mission to make sure I accomplished this. But many, many years before this second epiphany, I found myself in a similar place.

In my 20s, I wanted nothing more than to be a fashion designer. At a party for spiritual gurus, movers and shakers, I met an incredible woman (she was the hostess of the party). She didn’t know it, but that night she would change the way I thought forever. She taught me the valuable lesson of ‘Speak it and be it.’ 

She looked at me and asked, “What do you do?” And I started with an unconvincing, “Well, I want to be a fashion design..” That’s where she cut me off and asked me to state out loud, right there, “I AM a fashion designer.” She watched me mouth the words aloud and gave me a gentle head nod as she reinforced the statement, “Speak it and be it; Speak it and become it.” She was a life-changing miracle. 

At the time, I was a 26-year-old who had only one semester of design school under my belt. And as for personal spiritual growth, I was a mere babe. I had only read In the Meantime by Iyanla Vanzant. My journey was just beginning and this amazing woman was light years ahead of me. But I trusted her word beyond measure because she spoke with such conviction, and had proof to back it up. She was truly a Teacher and a Guide in my life path.

Do you know what happened 2 years later? I was hired as a Fashion Designer with no college degree for a large company in Dallas. In that 2-year timeframe after I met that wonderful woman and spoke what I was to be, I designed dozens of garments and collections for some of the largest brands in the USA, and sold over a hundred dresses under my own label I had designed from my little apartment.

But before all of that came to be, I envisioned myself as a designer, worked on myself, honed my skills, put in the work, and developed some major street cred because of the commitment I made to BE a fashion designer.

I manifested my dream job!

My career didn’t end there. I went on to become one of the industry’s best female denim designers. I managed and designed for multi-million dollar lines, created hundreds of pieces, was approached by factories, Parson’s design grads, and major companies to either show them how I created my CADS or design their denim collections. 

Fast forward to 2014.

Over 10 years had passed and everything for me had totally shifted. I was no longer interested in doing corporate fashion or designing clothes. I had been juggling fashion, brand building, and social media marketing for the last several years. But now I wanted (needed) something that provided more freedom, less stress. I wanted a career that was more fluid. My current profession as a fashion designer was going to have to go to make room for the new profession I found myself in, which was helping business owners build their companies through digital marketing.

I struggled with this because so much of my life was spent in fashion design. My identity was built into it and I was having to disassemble everything and tell myself and the world a whole new story (a lesson in rebranding). Shifting gears in my late 30s-early 40s was weird.

I listened to every TedTalk and YouTube guru I could find until it finally sunk in. The overarching message behind every successful author, businesswoman/man, public speaker, motivator, etc. was this: Decide. Make yourself valuable, stick to the decision, believe in yourself 100% and be willing to go fearlessly in the direction and do the work.

I had already decided: fashion design was simply not conducive to me working from a warm beach in Hawaii or south France. It required way too many accessories (fabric, samples, rulers, mannequins, etc.) So, I got rid of everything fashion-related. I literally DECIDED, and it changed my course.

Decide: Cause to come to a resolution. To ‘cut off.’ Latin decidere ‘determine,’ from de- ‘off’ + caedere ‘cut.’

Decision Creates Change

“The principle of life is that life responds by corresponding; 
your life becomes the thing you have decided it shall be.” -Raymond Charles Barker (Author, The Power of Decision)

After my big decision, and after I kind of went into autopilot and started purging all of the things in my life that didn’t serve or match to the end goal, my office space was now clutter-free and I no longer had the weight of dead, expensive projects hanging around my neck. With the fat trimmed, I was able to concentrate on the meat of my goal.

Nobody ever said switching tracks in your career is easy. It was scary for me, and it had plenty of ups and downs but I believed in myself enough to know I could handle it. If this is where you’re at right now, you can handle it, too. Everything is going to feel hard at first.

Everything is new and unfamiliar, until it isn’t.

Your mind is hardwired to resist change and the unknown because it wants to protect you from danger. Become aware of your thoughts obsessively. When negative self-talk comes in, remind that voice, “I’ve got this. Shove off, please.”

As soon as you get used to the change, and the more you tell your mind to fuck off, the less your mind will stop freaking out. And you will, too. So give the changes some time to adjust but KEEP MOVING FORWARD and continue with faith to starve the fears.

Feed your faith and you’ll starve your fears.

Over the course of the next few years, I repeated what I had done before. I became a practitioner of the digital space and content currency. I read every article or book I could get my hands on about digital marketing and social media, I plugged away with blogging, building WordPress websites, working with dozens of clients on various projects, creative content, and learned how to make passive income with eBooks and affiliate networks; I learned SEO, Google Adwords, Facebook advertising and got pretty darn good at social media marketing. I was now deep in the trenches of digital marketing, and earning a good living doing it! 

The Power of ‘I AM’

You see, what you want and who you want to be, or the life you want to live isn’t about asking and hoping your wish will be granted, nor is it about negotiation; It’s about YOU being the ultimate CREATOR of YOUR life and story. Doesn’t that just sound and feel awesome and limitless?

Good, because that’s exactly what it is! Don’t overthink it. Creation begins with a statement of “I AM ______ (fill in the blank with whatever it is you want to be/do).

So, my  ‘I am’ in 2016 was this, “I am earning $5,000 per month and earning $100K per year by the end of 2017.” 

When I said this, I honestly had no idea how, I just knew I would. And I hoped it would be from my own digital marketing business. In fact, I was pretty sure it would be. It was my BIG GOAL, after all. And a Digital Marketer is who I said I was, so the rest had to follow, right? Of course, it did. Just as it had decades prior.

Define Your Big Goal 

So you have THE BIG GOAL, which is to travel, be financially independent and earning $20,000 per month (or whatever your BIG GOAL is.) Once you define THE BIG GOAL, all of the little goal steps you make along the way will be in alignment with THE BIG GOAL. Or at least, they should be. If you are faced with a decision about something, ask yourself, “Is this in alignment with where I want to go”? If it isn’t, throw it out. Stay the course!

Your Actions MUST Match Your End Goal

For example, if you want to take a direct trip to Los Angeles, California, you wouldn’t take a highway up to Montreal, Canada, would you? The same is true with your end goal. Once you’ve made your mind up for what THAT is, all decisions, actions, goals should match with your end result. Once you tell your brain where you want to go, it (and the universe) will help you in getting there. When we decide to be or do something, our brain not only sets us up to go in that direction, but we find we are accomplishing every goal along the way that leads to the big goal. Call it an energetic occurrence or whatever, but it seems to be a universal law. If you find yourself all over the place, it’s most likely because your goals and thoughts are all over the place. Remember, wherever your thoughts go, energy flows. If you keep changing up the story, the road trip is gonna be a long one before you finally get to LA. 

What do you want to experience?

If you find yourself changing your course often, ask yourself not what you want to do, but what it is you want to feel or experience. Many times, we may find ourselves floundering because we are lacking something deeper and more emotional. Perhaps we are looking to address an emotional need and we do this by trying to replace it with tangible stuff or projects.

Ask yourself this question when it comes to your job or current business model: Does it serve my end goal?

The 6 key steps to manifesting what you want:

1. Deciding what you want – Decision is a powerful action. Do it without hesitation. Get clear on what it is you want.

2. Using thought and imagination to see it – visualize and see yourself in the end with whatever it is you desire.

3. Speaking it into creation – Don’t allow for negotiation on who or what you want to do, or be. Speak it. It is yours.

4. Committing to that goal 100% – This means staying focused; commit yourself to become valuable in whatever it is you want to do or be. Hone your skills, learn everything you need to learn. Honing your skills is your “side hustle.”

5. Knowing it is yours and staying the course – It may be scary or tiresome sometimes, but you have to keep pushing forward, knowing it’s coming, knowing it’s working itself out. HAVE FAITH.

6. Maintaining a positive energy field through kindness, happiness, joy, giving freely, gratitude! Be careful of what you put into your body. Healthy, high vibe foods are best. Maintain a positive circle of friends and be careful not to watch too much TV (violence, drama, or whatever feels negative or bothers your psyche)

Get out there and be fearless, write the story of your life. ❤️

P.S. If for a moment you think you can’t do what I did, drop me an email. I will get you back on track!  😉


How to Save Money and Travel More

I never really knew how vital it was to save money. I was never taught. My grandfather was extremely thrifty, but despite his habits, he never actually showed me how to save. My father was pretty stingy up until about 4 years ago, though, he was good about living below his means and taught me how to live this way. My mom never taught me the value of saving. In fact, she would not appreciate me saying this but the only thing she really taught me about money was LACK. Money was hard to get, spend it while you got it, etc. And so as a result, I went through most of my young adult life understanding frugality but never actually having a pot to piss in because I wasn’t managing, saving money or investing wisely. Why should I? Money was so out of reach it would probably never be mine, anyway.

That was a horrible narrative to have, and because of it, I had such a sense of powerlessness for way too long.

Fortunately, I left that negative self-talk in the dust years ago. 

Save More, Travel More

This blog post is about getting your finances in order so you can do what you love most: Travel. It’s about taking the simple steps of becoming more aware of what’s coming in and going out in the way of spending on a daily basis. Little changes you can make will make a huge difference at the end of the year and you’ll find you actually do have enough money saved to take that trip you wanted.

tips to save money to travel more

Once you know what you’re daily cost of living (expenses) are, you know how much you have to make (income) every day to maintain your life, get ahead, pay off bills or just keep track of spending. It’s important to know how saving just a little bit of money every day will help you reach a much bigger goal by the end of the year. Whether you’re dreaming of a nest egg so you can quit your job and travel for a year, or if you just want a 2-week vacation in Bali or in the Maldives.

Step 1: Change your perspective about money.
Money = Freedom.  Money is GOOD. We LOVE money because it enables us to do whatever we desire. Help others, travel, buy the new dress, live comfortably. 
Many of us have been taught that money is the root of all evil. It’s actually not. Money is a tool, that is all. What we choose to do with any tool is up to us.

Step 2: Credit is everything but don’t make it everythingI spent a lot of my young adult life spinning my hamster wheel, never really getting ‘it’ or getting ahead. I didn’t understand the value of good credit, so as a result, I neglected that aspect of my finances. You know what happened? Nothing. I couldn’t get credit, I couldn’t get financed, I had no credit card for emergencies, my hands were tied financially because of my lack of knowledge and irresponsibility in that area. It wasn’t until I addressed this issue that I begin to open up more opportunities for myself. Number 1 (if you haven’t already done so), get your credit in order. But don’t buy things you can’t afford to pay cash for. Don’t rely on your credit cards. They are there to maintain your credit for an opportunity, they are no good for things you can’t afford or to run up debt and put you in a worse position than you were before. The goal is to have them if you absolutely NEED them, not have them to USE them all the time or to buy that new Prada purse. I know, it’s tempting, but if you don’t have the cash for it, you can’t afford it.

Step 3: Track your spending, prepare a budget  You can’t know anything about how you’re spending or what you’re spending until you track your spending and see where it’s going. I have known a few women who would say, “Well, I don’t know where all my money goes”. Really? If you aren’t aware of where your money is going, you’re going to be in trouble and it’s going to be a financial struggle forever until you finally say enough is enough and jump in the driver’s seat of your life. I use Quickbooks as well as my bank to look at my monthly and yearly spending. It’s easy to use and it tracks where I’m spending and helps me see a visual snapshot of the areas where I can improve.

I learned a super valuable lesson a few years ago, and that was to live below my means and save more money than I spent.

Step 4: Make more than you spend.  This one is a no-brainer for me. If I know that my monthly expenses (food, mortgage, bills, gas, etc.) are $2,000, then my daily spend cannot exceed $66 per day. If I spend more than I make, guess what happens? I will end up having to rely on a credit card (See Step #2) or worse, your bank account will become overdrawn which results in, you guessed it, more fees you can’t afford to pay. Avoid the downward spiral. Be mindful and personally responsible for your daily or weekly spend threshold. If you can make sure to spend like you make half of what you do, you’ll always have extra cash in the bank. In other words, make $50K per year but live like you only make $25K per year.

Did you know that if you cut your daily Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino habit out ($4.45 for the Grande), you will save appx. $1,600 extra per year? That’s a plane ticket to Hawaii! Everything has a tradeoff. You have to decide what is more important to you: The plane ticket to Hawaii or that daily Frappucino from Starbucks.

Step 5: Invest Wisely As an entrepreneur and creative, I was putting time and money in a lot of different places and seeing very little return on my investments. I was still in a very old mindset, trying to create wealth from tangible goods. There is value in intangible goods as well, so be sure to pay attention to the skills you have. Investing in yourself is always a wise choice. Make sure you are putting your time and money in places where there is going to be a solid return. This goes for services and resources for your business. If you have too many apps or services that aren’t providing much help or a good ROI, cancel them. 

Do you know the average American family is spending appx. $75 per month to watch TV?  Hulu and Netflix streaming are collectively less than $22 per month and you don’t have to PAY to watch ads from Big Pharma. Think about what you could be saving per year just by cutting out your cable bill: $900 per year.

Step 6: “Do I really need this? Or would I rather have the $100 instead”? If the answer was the latter, the dress I was eyeballing went right back on the rack! This tough love is what you’ll need for yourself, too. I had to visualize the object and then see the cash to realize what I really wanted was the money most, instead of the way that object might make me feel for a moment. (P.S. I have also been pretty fortunate to have about $120 a month in a free-spending budget for clothes, shoes, and cosmetics. I seriously haven’t bought cosmetics or shoes in over a year because of an affiliate network I’m plugged into) Find one you like (like ThredUP or Zulily) that offers credit for referrals and you will save yourself at least $1,200 a year in clothing, shoes, and accessories.)

Step 7: Become ‘Fed Up’ Stop just focusing on what you want and look at the things in your life that you don’t want. Become fed up with being broke and not having your finances in order to travel when you want, or do whatever you want. I was tired of spinning my wheels and it was time for me to stick to my guns and call the necessary shots to get me to my free, independent, “laptop lifestyle” beach getaway. No one, I mean no one was going to get me there but me.

At any given moment, the average household has appx. $5,000 worth of stuff laying around that could be liquidated for cash.

Step 8: Downsize, Get Rid of the Clutter. Believe it or not, the more shit you own, the more expensive your living expenses are. Why? Because of this: More than one vehicle means having to pay double for insurance, gas, maintenance, payments, etc. You will also have a place to park them, which means either a. You’ll spend more money on a parking place in the city or b. your home will require a 2 car garage or a 4 car garage. Also, have you tried to move a 3 bedroom household full of stuff and furniture? The average costs to move that much crap is around $5,000 unless you DIY. More stuff means a bigger house which means a more expensive house. Are you seeing the picture? If you have so much stuff that you have to rent a storage building (est. $780 per year) to keep it, then you have too much stuff. Have a garage sale and get rid of all that stuff. Hubs and I did it a few years ago and we walked away with a cleaner garage and over $700 extra in our pocket! That’s a week stay in Hawaii or two weeks in Bali!

Step 9: What’s the bottom line on your grocery bills? When I went through my budget last year to track my spending, I realized I was spending thousands per year on groceries! Wow. I was a little shocked. $50 here, $35 there. After a few times per month here and there, it really adds up! I thought: I have got to do something different. I also realized just how much waste was happening in my refrigerator. I was buying more than my husband and I could eat, so half of the groceries I was spending my hard earned dollars on was going in the trash. Yikes! Are you guilty of this? If so, make sure you aren’t buying more than you can use or eat. We go to Costco now for about 80% of our groceries. We also have a freezer in our basement we use, too. We invested a little in freezer containers and now we freeze what we know we won’t be able to use right away. Buying in bulk on the forefront can feel costly, but it’s much cheaper in the end and you’ll find you’re going to the store less and you won’t be as tempted with the impulse buys that seem to add up!  Also, for fruits and veggies, try a garden if you have space or hit up your local farmers market. I grow my own herbs because I always need them and they can be expensive in the store. Even if you grow your own peppers or tomatoes you’ll find it cuts down a bit on your groceries, especially since organic tomatoes can cost around $4 per lb.

Step 10: Automatically put 10% of your paycheck into an account you don’t see or touch! Out of sight, out of mind. Again, if you are living like you’re making $25K and making $5oK, this will be easier for you. Make sure 10% of every paycheck you get goes into a bank account called “Nest Egg” or whatever you want to call it. Don’t touch it, smell it, look at it. Pretend it doesn’t exist. It’s a time capsule waiting for your day of freedom. Just like when Andy Dufresne led Red to the buried treasure underneath the tree so he could meet him in South America, this is your Shawshank treasure pot. Guard it.

Andy Dufresne: You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific?
Red: No.
Andy Dufresne: They say it has no memory. That’s where I want to live the rest of my life. A warm place with no memory.

In total, the amount of savings I mention above (not counting the 10% you’ll sock away) could potentially save you about $5,000 per year. That’s definitely enough travel money, especially if you know how to travel on a budget.

Read: 10 Kick Ass Ways to Make Money While You Travel


How to Make Money as a Blogger

Nobody believes anyone can make money as a blogger, let alone $1 Million a year. If you ask most people, they will say, “Don’t quit your day job”, or “That’s just a pipe dream.”, or my favorite:

“Blogging?  That’s not a “real” job, it’s a hobby, right?” 

I don’t know, just ask Aimee Song, The Man Repeller or the Chiara Ferragni of the Blonde Salad, who by the way, pulled in a reported $8 Million in 2015.  And those are the top fashion bloggers right now.  Think about even the successful bottom tier bloggers and what they are making.  According to research, the average blogger with 40,000+ page views per month is pulling in anything from $5,000 to  $40,000+ per month.  Yep, you read that correctly.

Still think you can’t make money blogging? 

how to make money as a travel fashion blogger

First of all, Bloggers Sell Their Expertise

My Tween Fashion Blog makes a good chunk of change per year and has over 45,000 visitors per month. And I don’t really feel like I do anything. Or, at least all I could be doing, or as much as some bloggers do.


I’ll be happy to tell you. First of all, most of the advice you’ll read out there is crap or outdated.  All of that “AdSense monetizing your blog” info is complete nonsense. Monetizing your blog with AdWords does nothing for you except clutter up your content with annoying ads. The money you get in return is pennies —literally.

For example, do you see any giant ads on this site?

Not really.  There’s a reason why.

I am a Fashion Designer, Branding and Digital Marketing gal.  My blogs are my platforms to offer my expert opinions, reviews, advice and sometimes products. I have been designing professionally since 2003, and I have been marketing and selling online since 1999. In fact, I began my fashion career in similar ways as Sophia AmorusoFounder of Nasty Gal. 

Long before blogs, there were other ways to sell expert advice.

Experience is Profitable.

I began buying and re-selling clothes on eBay in 1999.  I would visit my local thrift stores and find used, designer and vintage clothes to resell through my eBay store.  By 2001, I had worked my way up to buying and reselling in large quantities and importing stock lots from factories overseas.  In fact, one month I made $60,000 in sales. 

After only one year in business, I had sourced and collected literally hundreds of businesses across the USA who were wholesale apparel sellers, liquidators, outlets and resources for B2B sales.  And then I realized there were thousands of new eBay sellers every day begging for information that I had.  I realized I was sitting on very valuable information. I compiled my first Wholesale Apparel eBook and sold it online through my first e-commerce site I built with Dreamweaver. I sold a lot of these at $49 each.  A lot.

Bloggers are Value-Adders

You see, Bloggers don’t make most of their money selling ad space or earning dimes for clicks. Bloggers are essentially teachers adding value, and fashion and/or travel bloggers are a branded platform.  

What they sell are their ideas, a feeling, expertise, experiences, info, and eventually products. Fashion Bloggers are the experts and trendsetters in their field. They start with rich, relevant content to target their audience and work their way into building up that audience to — you guessed it: sell their product, or sell other people’s products.

Chiara Ferragni started off as a Look of the Day gal in 2009, but she now has her own collection and a few million per year with The Chiara Ferragni collection. THAT is where her money comes from my darlings.

How You Can Make Money as a Blogger

If you are reading this, you have probably dug into every piece of information you could get your hands on about quitting your job and making a living blogging.  But the truth is until you figure out how to sell what you know,  you probably aren’t going to make money blogging. Building up your readership is key. And you can’t build up that readership if you aren’t providing information that’s useful or relevant.

People want information. Information sells. Stories are great, but stories don’t make bloggers wealthy–unless they turn the story into a tangible product (a book, or movie).  

Above all else: Work on the quality of your content first. You won’t make money right away. The first year or so is going to be a personal investment. 

For me, my blog provides info on the best brands, the best stores, what’s trending, what’s awesome and what sucks.  And my niche happens to be the Tween, Girls and Juniors market. Yours may be completely different, but that’s up to you to decide and refine.

Fashion provides a steady, constant moving stream of information.  People want to know what boots are hot this season, what dress to wear to the holiday party, what to wear, how they should style their hair, etc. This is where the fashion blogger comes in.

Monetize Your Expertise

My head is full of useful information. I have been involved with the fashion industry for 16 years.  I have taken my knowledge and skills and transferred that energy into teaching what I know.  

Your head is full of useful information, too. Stick to what you know.
And don’t worry if it’s just a niche market, either. Just ask this guy: Gary Vaynerchuk. His niche was wine.

If you take some of what I learned and apply it to your blog, it’ll pay off for you.

Because here’s the thing: You can make money blogging.  

A million bloggers and Vloggers out there can’t be wrong.  What everyone wants is information.  All the time.  And of course, you can be the person they come to for that information.  

How to Make Money as a Blogger

So, here’s the beginning to what you need to know to get started making money as a blogger.

PRO-TIP  RULE #1: Before you get started as a serious blogger looking to turn your blog into real money, invest in your blog. Don’t use a freebie blog site. Self-host a WordPress site from the beginning! Read Why a Self-Hosted site with WordPress is critical  If you are already on a Blogger or free version of WordPress.com, it’s no biggie, you can easily transfer over.

Lesson #1:  You’re Not “Just a Fashion Blogger” or a “Travel Blogger” or “Food Blogger”

You’re an expert, a teacher, a mentor. Your blog is simply a springboard for all of those things. Perhaps you can offer more than just daily posts, right?

You have a bigger goal, a bigger vision, it’s just not incubated long enough.  But it will.  Keep your head and your eye on the bigger picture.

Look around, and you’ll find nearly all fashion bloggers who make a decent income have an active Instagram account full of fantastic product and lifestyle shots, fashion show attendance, product endorsements, their own fashion collections, books, a consulting or trend forecasting business, side gigs etc. 

THAT is how they make money.

Their blog and their Instagram account is just the platform where they introduce themselves, give away cool stuff or talk about the things that spark interest to attract followers, customers or clients. Their interesting ideas and perspective, coupled with rich content = Followers, which equals audience. And as we all know, audience = influence = $$$

Lesson #2: Don’t Rely on Selling Advertising

Selling ads can be attractive, because it’s income that generates without really doing anything (passive income), but it’s generally minimal unless it’s ad space bought by a big brand, OR you have a million followers and you are using a platform like liketoknow.it or  RewardStyle.me to sell OPP – Other People’s Products. If your blog gets a ton of traffic, you will do OK with just impressions.

So, unless your ad space is purchased from someone like Gucci or Prada, say “nada”.

Why push someone else’s product for pennies, if you can make 5-10 x more money using that same “ad space” to sell your own products or services?  At the very least, promote an affiliate product that is either cohesive with your blog theme (i.e. health and wellness, fitness, high fashion, etc.) or a brand that you love -and one that will make you a significant profit per month. 

For example, try signing up with shareasale.com or Rakuten Marketing.  Some fashion brands will pay up to 20% commissions in sales.

When I first started out, I signed up for big brands for the names, but they barely paid 3% commissions and although I didn’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth,  it just didn’t add up. 

I discovered after my first year that I had been pushing their brand and watching their sales increase based on my efforts, and I was literally getting a few dollars in return. In the first year as an affiliate, I generated 1.3 million impressions and $17,200 in sales.

My commission for that year was peanuts ($605).

how affiliate marketing works

Example of Affiliate Program Sales

What I realized was if I applied that same effort to my own products, I could make what they were making.  Viola!  Do you see how it works?

People were coming in for my content, but spending dollarinos elsewhere.

If you do choose to go with affiliate marketing (until you get your own product, of course), set your baseline commission standards to at least 15% or don’t waste your time.  Your time is extremely valuable. Crafting awesome posts takes you hours, and pushing a brand for pennies is just not worth it.

After all, your goal is to make $50,000 per month right? Right!

Stop working for free.

Now, If you consider the possibility of a $25,000 month of sales for all of your affiliates combined, and your baseline is 15%  Your monthly commission is $3,750.  Makes a bit of difference, doesn’t it?

I reiterate you CAN make money as a blogger.

On my blog, I mostly promote my own brand, products, and services now, but I am also in the process of writing a book about How to Market Your Brand.  The bottom line: Think bigger than ad space or paid reviews. Sure, you may get free stuff and that’s totally fine if you’re going for that. Free stuff is fun but it’s not going to allow you to quit your day job and really earn a living blogging, or send you and your family on vacation. So if your goal is to earn a 6-figure income blogging, set your standards high.


Lesson #3:  Build Your Content

You’re an expert, give the world your expert knowledge.  Don’t hammer your readers with sales pitches, or too many ‘buy me, buy me’ posts.  Your whole point for being here is to offer valuable information.  The good, the bad, the ugly – Not a car salesman pitch at every turn. Be polite. It’s much better to build relationships and trust by giving readers some valuable content before you begin talking about or pushing your products and services. Yes, you might make less money in the short term, but the long-term profits are so worth it.  

In the blogger world, photos are everything.  So, make sure you partner with a good photographer who can work with you often to create the overall look and mood of the clothes you may be presenting.  Reach out to stylists and brands to collaborate.  I cannot stress enough the need to collaborate.  It is vital, especially if you are going for stylistic shoots, and highlighting products.

Lesson #4: Don’t Be The “Bottleneck”

Time is your biggest obstacle as a blogger. There just isn’t enough of it.  Not only are we expected to publish a continuous stream of photos on Instagram and publish content on our blogs, but we also have to make time to create creative assets, giveaways, and promotions, schedule styling shoots – if you do that sort of thing, deal with technical issues, read books and articles about the industry, design, create new products to sell (I certainly do, anyhow) and answer questions from readers. 

Did I mention social media management also?  The list really goes on and on for days.  It is more than a full-time job, and you have to be prepared to put in the work.

Many days, my job as a Designer and managing my business starts at 6:30 AM and doesn’t end until about 8 PM.  I have found myself literally doing

E V E R Y T H I N G.

But you will learn quickly, and maybe you already have, that you CAN’T do everything.

You just can’t. And you shouldn’t if you want to succeed as a fashion blogger.

So, what’s the answer?

Your job as a fashion blogger is a lot like the manufacturing process. If one machine is down or working slower than others in a factory, it can literally cost the company tens of thousands of dollars per hour. If something slips up and a batch of tees get dyed the wrong color because someone was overworked, it will cost another several hundred thousand dollars. 

To make sure snags don’t happen, manufacturers and brands have Product Developers and Production Managers,  Why?  Because they are worth every penny of their $100K+ per year salary, and they eliminate these snags or “bottlenecks”.

The same is true for us, except the solutions are a little different.  We will want to focus on the area(s) where we are the most bottlenecked and find a solution to free up that valuable time.  We might sign up for a service or purchase new software tools that automate some of our social media workflow, or we might hire an assistant. It can be expensive, yes, but it’s worthwhile if it saves you time. Because you can then dedicate that extra time to higher value activities that yield better ROI.

Lesson #5:  Time is Money

Put a price on high-value activities.  What are “high-value activities”?

Well, it depends on your goal. If your goal is to increase your blog traffic, then start measuring the ‘visitors per hour invested’.

For example, if you invest three hours in writing a post or shooting a post for Instagram and it brings you, 100 visitors, and you invest five hours in writing a guest post (or collaborating with another Instagrammer) which brings you, 500 visitors, the first post has an hourly rate of 33 visitors per hour. The second post has an hourly rate of 100 visitors per hour. Guest posting and/or collaborating with an established blogger, therefore, is a better use of your time than writing content on your own blog (in the beginning).

Anticipation builds momentum.

Consider the possibility of building up your content and following before launching your blog.  The last thing you want to do is post regular content if nobody is reading.  Get your visitors and followers ready with a ‘coming soon’ page and collect emails for the next 30, 60 or 90 days while you build out your blog, take photos, create content and make connections with other bloggers as a Guest Contributor.  I took this strategy with my Berry Jane website and the response was astounding.  I had a ‘coming soon’ page up for three months before launching and I was able to grow my email list to nearly 1,000 in no time flat.

Lesson #6:  Facebook, Twitter, Google+ may be a waste of valuable resources

Wait, does this mean having followers in those places is useless?  No. Facebook is OK because you can reach your followers there (if that’s where they spend the majority of their time) and utilize Facebook Ads. Facebook is still the #1 platform in the world, but Instagram is quickly gaining the #1 spot. Google+ (which is now obsolete as of 3/24/2019) may help boost your search engine rankings. Even with those benefits though, it shouldn’t be at the top of your priority list.

In my opinion, you shouldn’t think about them at all until you hit 10,000 followers/subscribers, and then you can outsource the social media management to someone else. Use your time more efficiently in other places, such as Instagram, YouTube, Stylish Shots, Product Reviews and Writing Longer Content.

Why longer content?

Longer content gets much more traffic and is more SEO friendly than shorter content.  The sweet spot seems to be about 2,000–3,000 words per post (This post, for example, is appx. 3,070 words).

Lesson #7:  Promote, Promote, Promote!

Promote the heck out of your content.  I’m not talking about just sharing your posts to your Followers on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. I’m talking about blogger outreach. Build relationships with influencers and asking them to share your work.

It comes back to TIME.  When your blog is new, the most efficient uses of your time is: building relationships with influencers (including guest blogging), creating content worth linking to and selling your products and services. I have worked with a broad range of brands and companies from Target to Simon and Schuster, Pac Sun and even Dollar Shave Club. 

If you follow just those three things well, not only will your blog gain traffic and prominence, but you’ll also start getting search traffic (organically) without doing anything.

Lesson #8: Build Your Email List.  

(It’s More Important Than You Realize)

In my experience, your email list is the most accurate predictor of how much money you’ll make blogging.

A successful Blogger makes around $3 per subscriber per month. If you’re new to this, I would aim for $1 per subscriber per month in sales. In other words, an email list of 1,000 subscribers should result in at least $1,000 per month in sales, 10,000 subscribers would result in $10,000 per month and so on.

The more subscribers you get, the more money you make. Of course, your relationships, quality of content and products are key to success.

Sell “You”

Don’t just turn your blog into a big sales pitch. I see that with so many bloggers and it gets annoying fast, plus it’s just not very personal.  And “personal” is what got a lot of these fashion bloggers where they are today.  They created content that made followers feel connected.  I see this with Aimee Song.  We love to see her photos on Instagram, but her blog and Instagram account is basically a show and tell platform to sell what she’s wearing.

Be real and personable. Sell your knowledge and ideas, but don’t become just a machine for selling. 
Nobody likes that.

Remember to keep offering something your audience wants and needs. I’m interested to hear your comments on this subject and see what has worked for you, and what hasn’t!  If you’re just starting out, keep plugging away.  Starfruit takes time to ripen.  

You’ve got this. ❤️